Welcome to the Program
FREE PREVIEWThe Foundation of Authentic Coaching Academy Program
FREE PREVIEWOur Learning Journey - The Path
Learning Journey Modules
Introduction to ICF Competencies #1
FREE PREVIEWHistory of Coaching Competencies (Evolution of the Current Competencies)
ICF Core Competencies Version Used (previous version - before 2020)
ICF Code of Ethics working version (previous version - before 2020)
History and Evolution of The Profession of Coaching
Differentiation between Coaching and Other Professions
ICF Certification Path (before 2023)
Program Rules and Policies
Introduction Conclusion
Benefits of Using a Coach
ICF Definition of Coaching
Demonstrates Ethical Practice - Introduction
Demonstrates Ethical Practice - Integrity
Demonstrates Ethical Practice - Identity and Culture
Demonstrates Ethical Practice - ICF Values
Demonstrates Ethical Practice - Confidentiality
Demonstrates Ethical Practice - Other Modalities
Demonstrates Ethical Practice - Systemic Interventions and other modalities
Demonstrates Ethical Practice - PCC Markers Assessment
Embodies a Coaching Mindset - Introduction & Trusting the Client Process
Embodies Coaching Mindset - Continuous Development
Embodies a Coaching Mindset - Reflective Practice
Embodies a Coaching Mindset - Self Awareness of Culture and System
Embodies a Coaching Mindset - Preparation for Sessions and Management of Emotions
Embodies a Coaching Mindset - Asking for Help
Creating Coaching Agreement
Creating Coaching Agreement - Designed Alliance
Creating Coaching Agreement : Outcome of the Coaching Journey
Creating Coaching Agreement: ROI (Return on Investment)
Readings: Establishing a Coaching Agreement
Extra Reading: Establishing Coaching Agreement (Fran Fisher, MCC)
Create Your Own Coaching Agreement and Design Alliance
Establishes and Maintains Agreements - Amendment 1 - Professionalism and Clarity of Outcomes
Establishes and Maintains Agreements - PCC Markers (New Version)
PCC Markers: Establishes and Maintains Agreements (Old Version)
Cultivates Trust and Safety - Introduction
Cultivates Trust and Safety - Self Observation - Acknowledging what exists
Cultivates Trust and Safety - Norms and Beliefs
Cultivates Trust and Safety - Working with a Co-Coach & Conflicts
Cultivates Trust and Safety - PCC Markers
The Concept of Baggage
What is Coaching Presence?
What Helps You Be Present?
Coaching Presence - 5 Reflective Spaces
What happens when the coach is present
Maintains Presence - Dealing with Emotions (New Version)
Maintains Presence - With Systems, Co-Coach and Teams (New Version)
Maintains Presence - PCC Markers (New Version)
PCC Markers: Maintains Presence (Old Version)