Course curriculum

    1. Why Team Coaching?

    2. Benefits Of Team Coaching

    3. Who will make benefit of team coaching

    4. Requirements of ACTC

    5. The Model

    6. The Journey

    1. Know The Tools

    2. Thinkfic: a Walkthrough the Course Player

    3. Zoom

    4. Padlet

    5. Mural

    1. VUCA vs BANI

    2. How to deal with BANI

    3. Article: BANI – How To Make Sense Of A Chaotic World? (Ref: ThinkInsights)

    4. Article 2: BANI versus VUCA: a new acronym to describe the world (Stephan Grabmeier) + Infograph

    5. Extra Reading: VUCA and Agility

    6. Extra Reading: VUCA Leadership and Agility

    1. ICF Definition of Team Coaching

    2. Systemic Coaching Definition

    3. Definition of Systems

    4. Groups & Teams

    5. What is a Team?

    6. Team/Organization Culture

    7. The In-Between

    8. Relationships inside a team (Formal and Informal)

    9. What is your intention of becoming a Team / Culture Transformation Coach?

    10. Important References and Reading Resources for Team Coaching

    11. Entropy

    1. Law #1: Holism vs. Reductionism

    2. Law #2: Environment

    3. Law #3: Alive and Active

    4. Law #4: Indeterminism

    5. Law #5: Causality

    6. Law #6: Reflexivity

    7. Law #7: Self Organizing

    8. Law #8: Observation

    9. Law #9: Duality

    10. Law #10: Illusions or Perception

    11. Law #11: Entropy

    12. Law #12 - Homeostasis

    13. Perceiving the World through the Systemic Laws

    14. Additional Resources - Systemic Laws - Maturana

    15. Additional Resources and Links

About this course

  • $300.00
  • 43 lessons
  • 7 hours of video content