Course curriculum

    1. About Module 3 - Landing With Impact

    2. Dealing with the VUCA World

    1. Changing Narratives and Stories as Upsets Come in

    2. Impact of Conflicts on Changing the Narratives of the Team and The Organizations

    1. Healthy Conflicts and Compassionate Brawling

    2. Symptoms of Ailing Systems and Teams

    3. Managing Emotions of Denial and Resistance in Loss of Roles

    4. Boundaries Between Coaching and Therapy in Conflicts Resolution and Emotional Coaching

    1. Disruptions - Role of the Coach and the Cocooning of the Teams

    2. Toxins in the Workplace

    3. Power Plays and Workplace Bullying

    4. More on Workplace Bullying

    5. COIN and NV Communications

    1. Neutralizing the Shadow Side of the Essence

    1. Enforcing Coaching Culture in the Organizations

About this course

  • $500.00
  • 31 lessons
  • 25.5 hours of video content